A coastal clean-up and brand audit exercise was conducted by Sustainable Research and Action for Environmental Development (SRADev Nigeria) in partnership with Beach Samaritans, Kids in the Beach. This duo-events which attracted several volunteers from different organizations including the Lagos Waste Management Authority(LAWMA) held under the auspices of #breakfreefromplastic of the Global Alliance for Incineration Alternatives on the 19th day of September, 2020 at Bonny Cantonment Victoria Island, Lagos. The event started at about 9:00am and ended 2:00pm. It was well attended by about 90 volunteers including: youths, waste collectors, women, children and the media.

The exercise started with the clean-up where various volunteers cleared plastic waste being washed to the shoreline from the sea. After which the brand audit exercise started. The brand audit exercise involved identifying, sorting and quantifying the different brands of plastic waste polluting the shoreline. Quite a number of brands which have been adequately reported in the brand audit report were found during the exercise. Find the full report below
- other media coverage are found below
- https://www.environewsnigeria.com/environmental-advocates-call-for-total-ban-of-plastics/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nigcomsat_1r_powers_first_african_indian_ocean_strategic_satellite_navigation_service&utm_term=2020-09-21
- https://www.vanguardngr.com/2020/09/environmental-advocates-call-for-total-ban-of-plastics/
- https://nnn.ng/environmental-advocates-call-for-total-ban-of-plastics/
- https://theeagleonline.com.ng/environmental-advocates-call-for-total-ban-of-plastics/
The major demand from this #Breakfreefromplastic exercise is that major polluters should reveal, reuse and redesign.