The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) project on the reformulation of lead in paint was carried out by SRADev Nigeria. The Lead in Paint (LIP) project, involved the collection and analysis of market information related to paint in Nigeria and to raise awareness about the hazards of lead paint, particularly concerning children’s health. The project aimed to provide policy recommendations on legal limits to both national and local governments, in coordination with awareness-raising efforts. A baseline assessment was conducted to provide a comprehensive understanding of the lead paint situation in Nigeria.

Stakeholder workshops were organized for small and medium-sized paint manufacturers, disseminating awareness materials and educating them about the risks associated with lead-based paints. An International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (ILPPW) event took place on October 29, 2021, in collaboration with the Paint Manufacturers Association. The ILPPW was designed to raise awareness among association members regarding the dangers of lead exposure.

Images from the paint examination processes

Nine Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) were selected for lead paint reformulation, and technical expertise was provided by Clariant South Africa through their Nigerian partner, Parco. Of the selected SMEs, six successfully completed the reformulation process, while two received lead pigment substitutes but faced internal challenges preventing completion. One SME did not receive a pigment substitute.

Generally, all the SMEs alluded to the fact that putting a ban on leaded pigments will stimulate quick transition to the use of the alternatives. The project made significant strides in raising awareness and initiating practical measures to reduce the prevalence of lead in paints, safeguarding both the environment and the health of Nigerian citizens, particularly children. Read more on our website and on the media.

Following the UNEP project on the reformulation of lead in paint, the Lead Exposure Elimination Project (LEEP) is intensifying its efforts to achieve this goal of eradicating leaded paint. We aim to facilitate the implementation of lead paint regulations in Nigeria through the National Environmental (Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides) Regulations. This involves banning the importation, distribution, sale, and use of leaded paint raw materials. We also intend to facilitate the transition of lead paint standards from voluntary to mandatory and emphasize labeling and declaring lead content in paint.

Our proposed achievements encompass gazetting of the NESREA Lead Paint Regulation, revising lead paint standards to make 90ppm mandatory with labeling requirements, raising awareness about the harmful effects of lead paint, and promoting reformulation across major regions in Nigeria.

See more from the Inception Workshop held on the 25th of October, 2023 on the media and YouTube.